Growth Donation Box


Thursday, December 24, 2009

DEC 24, 2009

Well, yesterday was a bit of a frightening day. I went to hang out with my BF and play games at his friend's house. Before it got dark we went to a haunted mental institute, but decided not to go in because of the electric wire, barbed wire fence, the "No trespassing" sign, and our guts. On our way out a truck pulled up the driveway and asked us what we were doing. It was a group of 8 of us; and we gave him a BS answer before leaving. As we got into the cars we saw him stop and stay put for a while before taking off. OMG! x.x

Afterwards, me and my BF left around 5:40, and went back to his house to exchange X-Mas gifts. I got his a series of candles. Red, Green, and White; in ascending order. I was tempted to leave a few cliche notes in them. WHITE represents Purity; GREEN represents prosperity; and RED represents passion/love. So yea, "Pure, prosperous, passion." The three Ps =P I also gave him my webcam so when I get my laptop we can cam together, when we aren't with each other. <3 he gave me new headphones for the ipod he gave me, some frankincense, and a note giving me one free date where I don't have to make any decisions. XD (because I'm a very indecisive person) Then I got his mom a new set of knives, and she got me an Aries Candle. It had a little pendant and everything.

Gaining segment is going to be really short. I've managed to put back on 1 lb; so 156 XD It's a step in the right direction.

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