Growth Donation Box


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jan 28, 2010 Ideas for FEB

Even though I've been eating a bit more than usual I'm still 155 =\ Very strange indeed; so not much going on there.

On the other hand I have a few things that I have planned. Me meeting my friend in SF fell through because my parents had me pay for my books, parking permit, and some tuition. I'm barely going to have enough to do what I want to do next. I want to get my ears pierced. Just the lobes, and am still thinking if I want to do 14g of 16g. I don't want anything to flashy. But any who the place I'm going to will cost me about $55. That includes the starting 16/18gs, the aftercare crap, and the piercing job. So I'm excited about that. I'm going to the place tomorrow (FRI) and have a look around and ask a few questions. Then sometime the next week I'll try to set up an appointment so I can get them pierced =].
On my last hand I noticed that my mom has a hair straightener that she never uses. So I jacked it and used it today. I can finally manage my hair!!! I love it. So I plan on doing it quickly tomorrow morning before class so I look all perdy :P
On my last, last hand (haha) IDK if it's just me being paranoid or wishful thinking... I am in a voice class and there is a guy in there, that I'm pretty sure is gay, and I think he might like me for whatever reason. I might just be hastily jumping to conclusions...but this is what happened on WED. I entered class and he was sitting where I usually sit. The past few days he sat elsewhere...and that spot was completely open. So... IDK if I'm just jumping here, but I think he might like me. I'll find out hopefully XD And to add more to it, when the prof asked us to come up and sing the song in front of the class (taking volunteers) when I went over to get in line, I noticed he was watching me, and when I passed him he said "someone's enthusiastic." I feel pretty strongly that he is IDK What do you guys think?

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