Growth Donation Box


Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009

Well after restating my new goal as 190, my donar from when I was going for 180 was eager and to my surprise very happy to make quite a contribution. And so I give him a great thanks. Thanks a lot man. It's great to have you helping out :D

Well as of the 35th of July, this SAT, I will be moving out with my friends to live down at an appartment right next to the college I will be attending in the fall. YAY! ^o^ My mom is of course afraid to let me go because she is like the worry version of Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond. GOD -o- *sigh* But with the move it should make my gain easier as a McDonalds is right down the street :D. I know it doesn't help my gaining but I plan on purchasing some rollerblades for communting myself to save on gas.

On another note, one of my favorite YIM buddies has started a blog of his own. Check him out @:
He's a really nice guy so please treat him accordingly. Plus in a sense he's my gaining rival O.o XP

On my gaining scene, I've kinda lost my burger crave, but that should change with the move since our diets will most likely consist of Top Ramen, Pizza, and Burgers. HURRAY!!!!

On a more personal level, I am still playing tennis, but not as frequently as I kinda want to; and my game is slightly improving as I'm working on a flat serve now since playing tennis for about 2 months :P I also started a job selling HQ cutlarry. Anyone in the SAC area want to set up an appointment to see me and possibly buy something? The money I made would go towards more food :D

Anyways I'm always up to reading comment, and requests. Heck if I get enough people commenting I might just make another video for youtube ;) Well, I'm off to finish eating and then schedule some more appointments for the week. I'll update again in a week or two :D


  1. Hi, Justin:
    Great to hear from you and what is happening in your life. Quite a change to move away from home. I wonder if the "Freshman's 15" will work for you?
    Nice of you to introduce your friend Cj.
    Last, but not least, it must be hard for you to gain if you play tennis. That burns an awful lot of calories!
    Good luck, Norbert.

  2. Well playing tennis doesn't really use up that much energy when you're playing doubles :P
